Profile Details



Title Administrator
Business Name Lifecare Community Services Inc,
Address1 330 Glenwood Avenue, Suite 201
City Bloomfield
State New Jersey
Zip Code 07003-4354
Phone 973-780-2000
Fax 973-337-8274
Business Type Civic Members
Number of Employees 5

Lifecare Community Services INC. is a 501(c) non-profit organization that provides variety of free services to the neediest members of our urban and rural communities. Our commitment is to identify needs in our communities at any particular time and find ways to reduce such to the barest minimum. We strategically focused in areas that will promote strong and improved benefit outcomes of our urban and rural communities through economic development, education accessibility and culture Since 2014, Lifecare Community Outreach programs has provided varieties of services and support in urban and rural communities around the globe.