UTI-Bloomfield Launches Ford Advanced Training Program

As we move into Q4 and business leaders set their sights on 2020 plans and targets, Universal Technical Institute (UTI) in Bloomfield continues to invest in advanced workforce development. On September 23, the campus launched the inaugural class of its Ford Accelerated Credential Training (FACT) Program, a supplementary 15-week curriculum authorized by Ford Motor Company that brings students closer to Master Technician status. Completion of the FACT program, following graduation from UTI’s core automotive or diesel program, opens new opportunities and advancements such as performing Ford-specific warranty work with state-of-the-art equipment. The FACT Program is known for its advanced computer diagnostics and electronics training.

As technology advances, it is imperative that New Jersey workers have ample opportunities to likewise advance their skill and knowledge base to fulfill and stay ahead of employer needs. I invite you to click through to learn more about how Ford Motor Company and UTI are working together to develop forward-thinking programs and providing the most advanced automotive and diesel training available.

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